Review Stuff Altec Lansing M402SR Moondance Glow Speaker System with Clock Radio, Snooze Remote, and iPod Dock (Black)
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The very best quality not to mention charge concerning Altec Lansing M402SR Moondance Glow Speaker System with Clock Radio, Snooze Remote, and iPod Dock (Black) Available On Supply & Superb Keep Transporting Dual alarms allow you to wake to your iPod, radio, or alarm; wireless snooze remote included.Rear mood lighting provides a soothing, diffused lighting effect--choose your color and intensity.FM Radio with four station presets and wire antenna for superior reception.Compatibility: iPod mini; iPod nano 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G; iPod classic 4G, 5G, 5.5G, 6G; iPod touch 1G, 2G.1-Year limited warranty..